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Student Services

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Student Services oversees all aspects of the Mariemont City School District special education programming, preschool special education in conjunction with Hamilton County Educational Service Center, section 504, gifted education, student health services, student intervention, English as a second language, counseling and mental health services, homeless student family support and foster care support.

Director of Student Services

Email, Office Phone
Tricia Buchert
Director of Student Services
Office: 513-272-7519

Special Education

Email, Office Phone
Linda Lee
Special Education Supervisor
Office: 513-272-7517
Lindsay Oberschlake
MTSS Coordinator
Cathy Riley
School Psychologist
Office: 513-272-7600
Steve Vonderhaar
School Psychologist

Child Find Annual Notice: 
Mariemont City Schools Child Find Policy requires that all children below twenty-two (22) years of age residing within the district who have a disability, regardless of the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special education and related services are identified, located and evaluated in accordance with all federal and state standards.
 For children birth through age two, a disability means that a child has a behavior, cognition, communication, physical development, sensory development and/or social or emotional development deficit. For children ages three through five years of age, a disability means that a child has a documented deficit in one of more of the following areas: communication skills, hearing abilities, motor function, social-emotional behavior functioning or vision abilities. For school-aged students, a disability means a person having one or more conditions such as autism, developmental handicap, hearing handicap, multi-handicap, orthopedic and/or other handicap, emotional/behavioral handicap, specific learning disability, traumatic brain injury or visual handicap.
If you are aware of a child who you think may have a disability, please contact Linda Lee, Special Education Supervisor, at 513-272-7517.

Restraint and Seclusion Annual Notice:
School districts are required to develop, publish and implement written policies to govern the use of emergency safety interventions (physical restraint and seclusion) in all of its schools. It is the policy of the Mariemont City School District to only use restraint or seclusion when there is an immediate risk of physical harm to the student or others. Every use of restraint and/or seclusion shall be documented and reported in accordance with Board Policy 2260.01

What Parents Need to Know

Preschool Special Education

Preschool Supervisor (Hamilton County ESC):  Jenny Griffith, [email protected], 513-805-8625
Preschool Intervention Specialist:  Angela Brinkman
Preschool Aides:  Nancy Klotz, Courtney Letton

Counseling Services

Email, Website, Office Phone
Suzie Lehman
School Counselor, Gr. 3-6
Amy Skinner
School Counselor
Pam Tackett
School Counselor
Vicki Zaya
School Counselor

Intervention K-6

Email, Website, Office Phone
Lindsay Oberschlake
MTSS Coordinator
Rachel Obringer
Teacher, Third Grade
Maria Childs
Math/Reading Intervention K-6
Emily Jacobs
Reading Specialist K-3

Upon the parent’s request, the district will provide the following information to parents: whether the teacher(s) have met the State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas they are teaching; whether the teacher(s) is teaching under any emergency or provisional status in which the State requirements have been waived; the undergraduate major of the teacher(s) and the area of study and any certificates for any graduate degrees earned. To obtain this information, please contact Tricia Buchert at [email protected] or 513-272-7500.

Gifted Education

Email, Website, Office Phone
Colleen Herking
Gifted Intervention Specialist/Gifted Coordinator

English Language Learners

Email, Website, Office Phone
Jill Parker

Section 504 District Compliance Officer

Email, Website, Office Phone
Tricia Buchert
Director of Student Services
Office: 513-272-7519

Health Services

Email, Website, Office Phone
Holly McCormack, RN, MSN
Health Aide
Sue Fahey, RN, MSN
Health Aide
Nikki Utt
Health Aide Sub

Title IX Coordinators

Email, Website, Office Phone
Tricia Buchert
Director of Student Services
Office: 513-272-7519
Lance Hollander
Director of Human Resources and District Operations
Office: 513-272-7500

District Homeless Liaison

Email, Website, Office Phone
Lance Hollander
Director of Human Resources and District Operations
Office: 513-272-7500
Mariemont City Schools are actively seeking to enroll children and youth who are homeless. If you are homeless or know of a child or youth that is homeless and not attending school, please contact the district Homeless Liaison, Lance Hollander at 513-218-9670.

District Foster Care Contact

Email, Website, Office Phone
Tricia Buchert
Director of Student Services
Office: 513-272-7519