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Warriors BEwell

The Value of the Mariemont Experience: Student Services
What is Warriors BEwell?
In an effort to make the mental health of our students an even greater point of emphasis, the Mariemont City Schools District has launched the Warriors BEwell program – a comprehensive program to ensure well-researched and robust programming and services for our students and families. 
Warriors BEwell is a way for the district to communicate with its parents and students about prevention and advocacy programs, research behind the services offered and partnerships with other organizations that help support its efforts. It is a tool that counselors and psychology staff use to review practices and partnerships, stay on top of the latest research and continue to improve in order to support the mental and physical health needs of its students. 

Mental Health Message

In the spring of 2021, Mariemont City Schools launched the inaugural Mental Health Message, an annual newsletter designed to advance our partnership with parents and our community. Click the photo below to see the latest Mental Health Message, or click here to visit the Mental Health Message archive

Warriors BEwell Podcast

Introducing the New Warriors BEwell Podcast!

The Mariemont City School District explores student perspectives on what it is like to be a teenager right now, how stress and expectations play a role in their well being, and what they would like to see change. Click here to access all podcast episodes.

A robust catalogue of programs and services to promote the health of our students. 

Child Focus, Inc. - Mental health partner providing therapy, case management and medication management services
Sources of Strength - Peer-to-peer suicide prevention and resiliency training
Signs of Suicide - Depression/suicide screener for grades 8, 10 and 12
Go Noodle - online tool for teachers to support self regulation
Project Wisdom - K-6 morning mindfulness messages based around monthly themes
Adapting for Life - Suicide prevention course through Children's Hospital and high school health class
MindPeace Rooms (MJHS/MHS) - Educational environment where students are equipped with deescalation techniques and evidenced-based strategies for self-regulating their bodies and brains before, when and after BIG emotions get the best of them. It's a safe space within the school where students can visit for brief intervals to get their emotional needs met, in order to return to the classroom with greater clarity and focus, ready to learn.

Partnerships with community organizations and providers for meaningful dialogue and services to support the health of our students. 

Child Focus
Pet Partners

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
(Student Wellness and Success Funds and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid - funding for Elementary Counselors)

A commitment to best practice and real time data to drive decision making about the needs of our students. 

Research on:
Sources of Strength
Signs of Suicide
Prevention First
1N5 ClimateSurvey
Dr. Stuart Slavin/Cincinnati Children's Hospital survey