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Request a Building Tour

Request a Building Tour
Please complete this form to request a building tour at any Mariemont City Schools school building.

Important Information about tours:
  • Tour requests must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the requested tour date in order to be scheduled.
  • Written confirmation with your tour date/time and additional details/information will be emailed to you once your request has been processed.
  • Anyone over the age of 18 participating in the tour will be required to provide a state-issued photo identification/driver’s license; the identification will be screened using a Raptor Visitor Management System 

Which school(s) are you interested in touring?

Why would you like to tour our schools?

If you selected "other" as your reason for scheduling a tour, please explain:
Do you have a specific date you would like a tour?
If yes, please list your desired date and time:
Your Name:
Names of others who will participate in the tour:
Names of child(ren) (if applicable):
What grade level will your child(ren) be entering? (if applicable)
Date of possible enrollment? (if applicable)
Current Street Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Are there any specific student needs you would like to learn more about during your tour?
If yes, please explain:
What academic interests does your child(ren) have?
What extracurricular interests does your child(ren) have?
captcha image

To validate your submission, please type the answer to the question.