Our school theme for the 2023-2024 school year- ME PUZZLE. Each of us is unique and special and when we come together our ME puzzle is complete!
Fairness: Choose to be open-minded and act in a just way.
Monday, 3/18/24
Encourage someone to do their best.
Tuesday, 3/19/24
Always follow the rules.
Wednesday, 3/20/24
Listen to other’s ideas.
Thursday, 3/21/24
Remember no one is good at everything.
Friday, 3/22/24
Be a role model.
NO SCHOOL 3/25 - 3/29/24

Welcome Back!
Courage: Do the right thing, even when it is hard to do.
Monday, 4/1/24
Try something that is hard for you.
Tuesday, 4/2/24
Do a good deed without being asked.
Wednesday, 4/3/24
Tell the truth.
Thursday, 4/4/24
Act as though adults are always watching.
Friday, 4/5/24
Say sorry and mean it.
3rd Quarter School-Wide Book: “A Friend Like You”
by Frank Murphy and Charnaie Gordon

“There's nothing in the world like a wonderful friend. Friends are there to laugh with you and ready with a hug when you need one. There are forever friends and brand new friends. Friends for adventures and friends for cozy days indoors. Friends who are just like you and friends who are nothing like you at all. In this book, celebrate ALL the marvelous ways to be a friend!”
4th Quarter School-Wide Book: “Different”
by Chris Singleton
“Never be ashamed of who you are. You are beautiful and wonderfully made.”
This beautiful book that teaches kids that differences-whether through clothes, speech, abilities, race, nationality, or more-are something to accept and celebrate.
- Please notify the school office before 9:00AM by calling 272-7400, or via email [email protected], on days that your child(ren) will be absent, tardy, for appointments or are leaving for lunch.
- During school hours, all visitors must present their driver’s license in the main office to obtain a visitor’s badge that must be worn for the duration of the visit, this includes field trip chaperones.
- A friendly reminder regarding school fees. There is an option to pay fees online using a credit card, with cash, or by check made out to “Mariemont City Schools”. All student fees may now be paid through MySchoolBucks, the same system used for school lunch payments (www.myschoolbucks.com). **Please contact the school if there are financial challenges and/or concerns. 2023-2024 School Fees (which includes the school provided device):
- School Fees Gr. K-6 for 2023-2024:
- Kdg & Grade 1: $110
- Grade 2: $120
- Grade 3: $125
- Grade 4: $155
- Grade 5 & 6: $175
- Please note additional fee information: The Camp Kern fee for 6th graders only will be $100.00.
- Spring statements will be mailed the week of 3/11/24.
Dates to Remember:

ME 3rd Quarter Parent/Guardian Community Meeting, Tuesday, March 19th, ME Dinning Hall, 6:30PM
ME PTO Meeting, Tuesday, March 19th, ME Dinning Hall, 7:30PM
End of 3rd Quarter, Early Dismissal, Friday, March 22nd, NOON
SPRING BREAK – NO SCHOOL – March 24th – 29th
Welcome back from Spring Break!
ME PTO Daughter Dance, Saturday, April 6th, ME GYM, 6:30PM
Solor Eclipse – Early Dismissal, Monday, April 8th, NOON
ME Talent Show (Gr. 4-6), Thursday, April 25th, ME Auditorium, 6:30PM
ME Talent Show (Gr. K-3), Friday, April 26th, ME Auditorium, 6:30PM
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, May 5th-10th, All Buildings
Elementary 4th Grade Instrument Try-It Night, Tuesday, May 7th, MHS, 4-7:00PM
Kindergarten Screening, Friday, May 10th, Mariemont Elementary, 8-3:00PM
ME PTO Carnival, Friday, May 10th, ME Playground and Field, 5-8:30PM
Elementary Art Show, Tuesday, May 14th, Mariemont Elementary, 7:00PM
Elementary Chorus Concert (Gr. 5-6), Thursday, May 16th, TP Amphitheater, 7:00PM
Elementary Orchestra Concert (Gr. 5-6), Monday, May 20th, ME Auditorium, 6:00PM
Elementary Band Concert (Gr. 5-6), Monday, May 20th, ME Auditorium, 7:00PM
ME Field Day, Friday, May 24th, all day
Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS/STAFF – Monday, May 27th
ME Field Day Rain Date, Tuesday, May 28th
ME 6th Grade Recognition Breakfast, Friday, May 31st, ME Cafeteria, 8-8:45AM
ME 6th Grade Recognition, Friday, May 31st, ME Auditorium, 9:00AM
Last Day of School – Early Dismissal – Friday, May 31st, NOON