Our school theme for the 2023-2024 school year- ME PUZZLE. Each of us is unique and special and when we come together our ME puzzle is complete!
Kindness: Be friendly, generous, and considerate.
Monday, 1/29/24
Keep the Kindness Going!
Tuesday, 1/30/24
Wednesday, 1/31/24
Hold the door for someone.

Acceptance: Respect the dignity and rights of others, even those whose beliefs and behaviors are different from your own.
Thursday, 2/01/24
Ask someone to join your group.
Friday, 2/02/24
Let your friend pick a game to play.
3rd Quarter School-Wide Book: “A Friend Like You”
by Frank Murphy and Charnaie Gordon

“There's nothing in the world like a wonderful friend. Friends are there to laugh with you and ready with a hug when you need one. There are forever friends and brand new friends. Friends for adventures and friends for cozy days indoors. Friends who are just like you and friends who are nothing like you at all. In this book, celebrate ALL the marvelous ways to be a friend!”


- Please notify the school office before 9:00AM by calling 272-7400, or via email [email protected], on days that your child(ren) will be absent, tardy, for appointments or are leaving for lunch.
- During school hours, all visitors must present their driver’s license in the main office to obtain a visitor’s badge that must be warn for the duration of the visit.
Dates to Remember:

Everybody Counts Week, January 29th – February 2nd
ME Science Fair, Wednesday, January 31st, ME Dinning Hall, 6:30PM
Board of Education Meeting, Monday, February 12th, MHS, 7:00PM
Kindergarten Registration Opens, Wednesday, February 14th
ME Valentine’s Day Class Parties (see teacher for times), Wednesday, February 14th
Night of Singing (Grades 5-12), Thursday, February 14th, MHS Auditorium, 6:30PM
Mariemont Academy - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS, Friday, February 16th
President’s Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF, Monday, February 19th
ME Spring Picture Day, Tuesday, March 5th
Strings Extravaganza (Grades 6-12), Tuesday, March 5th, MHS Gym, 7:00PM
Band Bash (Grades 6-12), Wednesday, March 6th, MHS Gym, 7:00PM
Board of Education Meeting, Monday, March 11th, MHS, 7:00PM
Kindergarten Parent Information Night, Wednesday, March 13th, 6:30PM
ME 6th Grade Play, Friday, March 15th, ME Auditorium, 7:00PM
ME 3rd Quarter Parent/Guardian Community Meeting, Tuesday, March 19th, ME Dinning Hall, 6:30PM
ME PTO Meeting, Tuesday, March 19th, ME Dinning Hall, 7:30PM
End of 3rd Quarter, Early Dismissal, Friday, March 22nd, NOON
SPRING BREAK – NO SCHOOL – March 24th – 29th