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Article: September 10 Update

September 10 Update

On Monday, September 14, the Mariemont City School district will transition to Tier 1 of its RESTART plan for the 2020-2021 school year. In Tier 1, all students, except for those participating in the Online Warriors Program, will report to the school buildings daily.
The district regularly monitors a variety of indicators, in collaboration with the Hamilton County Department of Health, to assess the impact of COVID-19 in our district and region, including the Ohio Public Health Advisory System, the number of COVID-19 cases in our school district, local zip code data and adherence to risk management protocols in our school buildings.
Hamilton County remains at Level 2 (orange) and has been for several weeks. Additionally, instances of COVID-19 cases in our district have been low, local zip code data shows no anomalies and our students and staff have learned important health safety protocols and are practicing them consistently in the school buildings.
The district will continue to monitor and evaluate impact indicators and the next planned announcement regarding out tiered instructional model will be on Thursday, September 24.
Information about what to expect in Tier 1 can be found by clicking the links below and visiting the school district’s RESTART webpage at:
You will find a few additional reminders for families by watching the video below.

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