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Caring and Sharing

For over 25 years, through the Caring and Sharing Program, Mariemont Elementary families have come together to brighten the holidays of families in need in our community. Help us continue this caring tradition by including your children and families in sharing with those less fortunate.

Gift Card Donations: From the Giving Tree in the front lobby of Mariemont Elementary, please pick up an ornament listing the store of your choice. By December 13, return your purchased gift card to the box marked "Gift Cards" in the school office.

Monetary Donations: Place your donation in an envelope marked "Caring and Sharing," and send it to the school office.

Online: Please see the below for detailed instructions for the online option. After November 21, and continuing through December 13, gift donations can be dropped off in the front lobby of Mariemont Elementary under the Giving Tree.

Note: All items must be new, use holiday gift bags and tissue paper, and include the family identification info. from the website.

Online Option

  1. Click on link below for age group for which you'd like to purchase a gift
    1. ME C&S: Parents Gifts
    2. ME C&S: Girls 0-5 Gifts
    3. ME C&S: Boys 0-5 Gifts
    4. ME C&S: Girls 6-10 Gifts
    5. ME C&S: Boys 6-10 Gifts
    6. ME C&S: Girls 11-15 Gifts
    7. ME C&S: Boys 11-15 Gifts
    8. ME C&S: Girls 15+ Gifts
    9. ME C&S: Boys 15+ Gifts
  1. Enter your email address when asked by the website
  2. Select the gift you would like to purchase and click "sign-up"
  3. Input your name and telephone number and click green "save" button to confirm your spots
  4. Click on "print your assignments" button to print out the family identification information* for the gift. (*For example:  "LM, Fem, Age 7, Pants, size 8 (1)"). Note:  It is ok to handwrite this info, too.)
  5. Place the family identification information into the gift bag. (This allows the committee to match gift to the right family.) Congratulations, you've signed up!